Sunday, July 10, 2016


Stellaluna by Janell Cannon is about a momma fruit bat and her baby who get separated by an owl attack. Stellaluna lands in a bird's nest and is adopted by Momma bird. Stellaluna tries hard to be like the birds but she struggles to leave her bat ways and her bat family behind. Will she be reunited with her mom? You will have to read to find out.

Some of our favorite parts are when the momma bird takes Stellaluna in not caring that she is a bat, when Stellaluna teaches the baby birds to hang from the nest upside down by their feet, when Stellaluna saves the young birds from crashing in the dark, and when they all decided that it didn't matter how different they were, that they could still be friends.

I give this book 5 moons because it teaches you a lesson: no matter how different you are, you can still be friends.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Our First Review! Elephant and Piggie by Mo Willems

Hello everyone!

Welcome to Luna and Daddy's Blog where we share all about our favorite books! We are excited to get this started and to begin making posts at least once a week or once every two weeks. We hope you like the reviews and leave us comments about them. We really like to read positive comments, but Daddy says it's good when people leave us comments telling us how we can do a better job, too. 

Elephant and Piggie come in a huge series. There are currently 25 books in all! The books are about an elephant and a pig who are silly best friends. Some of the books in the series have parts that are a little bit sad, but they all are mostly very funny. Dad says the books are aimed at early readers, but they are good for everyone. They are especially good for children who are learning to read with expression.

Mo Willems is one of our family's favorite authors/illustrators. In addition to the Elephant and Piggie books, he is the creator of the Pigeon series, Knufflebunny, and MANY other fantastic titles.

Sometimes our reviews will be mostly writing and sometimes we will make videos. For our first review, we want to share a book trailer Daddy and I made a couple of years ago about Elephant and Piggie: WE ARE IN A BOOK! 

I give the series 5 moons because the author put a lot of hard work in to the books. He made them really funny and interesting to read. Even if you can't read, the illustrations show you what the characters are thinking and feeling. We have read this book over and over, and we still love it!